Friday, October 14, 2005

Losing Control

Sometimes you see things that for some reason stab you right through the heart/head/soul.

You Are A: Frog!

froggyIndependent yet still part of a large community, frogs are unique creatures known for their distinctive sound and ability to hop. As a frog, you spend your days sitting on lily pads or climbing trees, searching for delicious insects to eat. While there are some frogs that aren't exactly cute, you are certainly not one of those!

You were almost a: Monkey or a Mouse
You are least like a: Pony or a BunnyCute Animal Test!

Hrrrmmph. This makes me feel worse, if that's possible. Why? Because my most recent crush liked frogs, dammit, that's why! LIFE'S NOT FAIR. I worked that out long ago, I just HATE being reminded of it ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I wish this was a dream

Picture this:

Kids don't use schoolbooks anymore. They all use laptops. The laptops are all wifi-enabled, and any texbooks they need are downloaded as PDFs. The firewalls they have installed have lots of filters, that protect the kiddies from inappropriate material.


  • rude pictures
  • some more embarrassing moments of history
  • some more interesting current events
  • incorrect religions
  • inappropriate philosphies and politics
  • anonymous chatting
  • encrypted transfer to non-approved sources

Hitler would have loved this stuff! We are lucky that it is just the realm of fantasy...

...oh. No, it isn't.

This sounds like part of some great Conspiracy, but it is actually the simple concept of ClusterFuck. ClusterFuck(tm) is the means by which most things happen in this world. Most organised events are just a fuck-up, and they tend to cluster. Also, most if not all, politicians are either fuck-heads, fucked-up, fuckers, fuckees or fuckwits; and they most certainly cluster.

Anti-globalists et al seem to beleive there is a great THEY to fight; that there really is a little room from which the world is run by immortal clones of Hitler, J Edger Hoover, Stalin and Walt Disney. Though that would explain a lot, I don't think there is such a place. This is more like fighting a virus or cancer. Somehow, the human immune system has not developed a defense against economics. Or perhaps we have evolved a defense, but that it is self-destruction; like sick whales beaching themselves.

The dark part of me wants that to be true; it wants the terroists to actually use nukes. Set the world off into paroxsymal conflict. End It All. Forget the judgment of God, there is no such thing. There is only an expanding universe, destined to be cold, dark and empty.

Us humans ruined our chance; the quicker we get to oblivion the better.

I would apologise about being in a bad mood, but today I don't care.


The weekend invloved some astonishing food, and a Gamez Daze. Yesterday was largely... void. And hot. When I feel better I will enthuse about the food, and ask where all the good games went. Apart from BF1942 and NeverwinterNights

Addendum 2:

I really like the picture of Tripitaka below. It is cute. Another 3rd party on Friday said I needed a Japanese girlfriend, that makes two.

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