Monday, August 01, 2005

UFOs on Google Earth

Google Earth.

Terrific fun for plane spotters, and as it turns out, very embarrassing for the World Government that tries to cover up, well, pretty much everything.

Much has been made of the UFO spotted over Florida, fobbed off as a 'glitch' on the satelite, or water on the lens (yeah, right). Impressive as it is, it is still just a blob, and a fuzzy one at that. Unconvincing.

What we really need are good detail pictures of extra-terrestrial craft; like these ones, perhaps?

First off - a wide anle view of NASA's Dryden Research Base at Edwards, California.

Some observations: the giant compass rose? I don't think that is for humans! You can see this thing from orbit! The Shuttles land using carefully worked-out and computer-guided flightpaths, only UFOs would need 'visual' references this large for approach.

Now we zoom in a bit...

Wierd thing number two: that '747' visible near the '270' is the Shuttle carrier aircraft. As everyone knows, the Shuttle now lands at KFC, the Shuttle Carriers are not needed anymore, and were meant to be retired... so what it is doing still in use?

You can also see the Shuttle loading gantry - the red blob just above the carrier plane. You can also see something on the desert floor, away from everthing else...

Hmm, that's odd. A bizjet left out in the desert? With three small vehicles parked right next to it... surely the Men In Black couldn't be so stupid. But like all forces of darkness they always are!

Looking closer we see...

Oh my! Three small spacecraft! I guess there must have been a bit of mis-communication with the NSA and they forgot when the satelites were overhead. These must have been parked there for testing, or awaiting transfer in the Shuttle carrier to some other facility. The 'bizjet' nearby looks like a Gulfstream of some sort - capable of carrying about 8 people, so those spacecraft look to be at least 2-being capable. The 'tail' sections are obviously the propulsion system, and the overall shape is clearly designed for atmospheric entry at orbital velocities. These must be scout craft from some sort of larger carrier vehicle that remains in orbit. The planform is a bit too narrow for Earth's atmosphere, indicating these craft come from a denser atmosphere. There must be some rather sophisticated flight-control systems, most likely anti-grav, as these shapes are very unstable in our atmosphere.

Amazing that the 'hiding in plain sight' theory is easily evaded by public-access satelites! Hopefully they will make the announcement about our alien friends once this picture becomes more widespread!

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Well, the above is so full of shit it gurgles, although the photos are genuine.

The 'alien craft' are almost certainly some of the lifting-body craft developed at Dryden in the late 60s / early 70s. The top one in particular is almost certainly the X24B, the other two I am not so sure of, but I suspect one may be the legendary plywood-towed-behind-a-Chevy prototype. What exactly they are doing in the open is anyone's guess - I suspect a photo shoot - these things should be in the Smithsonian!

The UFO scare I am trying to create was inspired by a conversation yesterday prior to the weekend's 50% sucessful rocket launches. (Darn it, I lost a rather good rocket into a tree. Grr.)

I will try to find a few web forums full of idiots to post this to.

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