What happens when you let pinheads run a country
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For those who came in late, or at least aren't part of a certain F1 tipping competition, here is a little rant I spat out this morning, on hearing the official news that there will be an F1 car driving around the Harbour Bridge on Sunday morning, but due to a massive attack of beaurocracy, no-one will get to actually see it. Thank you, the litigious scum that make up most of Australia's popuation. Anyway, on with the rant before this turns into another...
For those in Sydney, we all get to sleep in Sunday morning thanks to typical Australian ingenuity and know-how. Or should that be no-how?
The bridge is closed for Mark Webber to drive his Williams across it, and you would expect the pedestrian walkway to be packed out, right? No. That's closed, because it is DANGEROUS. Mark's car will be limited to lightly touching the clutch in 1st gear - 90km/h, because it's DANGEROUS.
Anyone who has walked across the Bridge will have noticed that trucks seem to barrel across the Cahill at or around 90km/h? No-one closes the bridge because they are DANGEROUS, especially when over-loaded, poorly maintained and driven by gorillas smashed out of their skulls on effedrine. Not even the security guard would be able to help you there. There's a point - if the Bridge is closed to all people, that means the security guards won't be there! The Bridge is WIDE OPEN to TERROR ATTACKS! DON'T PANIC! DON'T PANIC!
Some other mighty-pissed-off punter phoned the radio this morning to point out that a similar event in London took place through streets packed with spectators, seperated from these DANGEROUS machines by a rope. Not steel fences, rope. While Britain might be being run by a Government that is a tad screwed in the head, at least they aren't being run by LAWYERS.
Rant over, nothing to see here, these aren't the droids you are looking for, you can go about your business, move along, move along.
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