Living Dangerously
I don't know how many of you have been following this little story.
Apart from anything else, it is yet more proof of the 'world gone mad' theory of why we haven't heard from aliens yet; they are staying well away, and for good reason!
For those who have been visting Mars lately, a cartoonist in Denmark drew some cartoons which were duly published. Some people took offence at them. Well, that sort of IS the point of political cartoons; only the the people he offended were, shall we say, the 'Totally Out Of Their Fucking Minds Party'. Anyway, the whole thing has grown to the point where a Danish consulate was firebombed in Syria, followed shortly by the Norwegian Consulate. Norway? It looks like they copped it because people always get Norway and Denmark mixed up. I think. Maybe it was because they look the same or something.
Next on the list is that domineering oppressor tyrant New Zealand. Erm, OK. Right. Could we have a little sanity on the planet, please?
What gets interesting is the cartoons themselves. Try to find them. Go on, try! You can only get some very small badly scanned versions, right? So small and badly scanned that it is difficult to tell exactly what they are saying about who. The link I have early in this entry is to the highest resolution I can find. Yes, it includes the most notorious one, the 'bomb-on-the-head' one. Is this new? There have been cartoons on a similar topic probably since the 70's, certainly since 2001, so what's the problem? Several were published online in The Onion at the time, and also in print most likely; I think The Onion does have a print version.
My point, if I have one, is this: could people just CALM THE FUCK DOWN? That, or it looks like the next Crusades really are upon us, and this is just the trigger event. It looks like certain Governments gave the go-ahead to burning down the wrong embassies, and if they have an angle, you can bet the good 'ole boys also have an angle. I like italics tonight.
As to living dangerously, it seems that even talking openly about this story is enough to get you in serious strife. The ultimate source of all wisdom and knowledge, Wikipedia, has been under near constant seige since it has run the story. There really is a major effort block the publication of it. It looks like certain people are such a threat that our own media an government are being circumspect about the whole thing, no doubt saying they don't want to incite things, but are they really that scared? Since when has our government or media worried about upsetting people before? Could it be a stooging exercise by Our Glorious Leaders to test feasabilities of world-wide media control?
Who knows. Who the fuck knows.
Stay safe out there, people, and remember: Duck, and Cover.
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