Internet dating hits a dead end
Heh. This article dates from mid-2003, about a year after the last time I used an online dating service. Over 9 months on it at the time, I had ONE person show interest. We went out for a couple of months, but as soon as I mentioned the 'R'-word (Relationship) she declared she was a lesbian and vanished. I heard from her a few months later, she phoned up wanting to be 'friends', having now married a a rich German guy and bought a house in French's Forest.
Having just spent nearly $100 on joining a few dating sites a few few weeks ago (wow, they are expensive nowadays) and discovered that for about $5 a message you can expect NO replies, I typed 'internet dating is dead' into Google and the above article was the first hit.
I have a couple of theories:
1. Lie like a trooper. Especially about your height it seems. If like me you are cursed with being a male of less than 1.6m height, don't expect any matches. Ever. 90% of women want you to be 'between 5' 9" and 7' 11" ' which means you are most likely a basketballer or pace bowler.
2. The links without photos? Stooges. How can you use a dating service and expect anything without a photo? There simply cannot be that many people out there totally embarrassed by their looks. What is there to stop sites 'padding' their lists? A voluntary code of ethics? Considering they make money out of me every time I try to send a message, it would be worth their while to fake as many as possible. The maths involved is probably the same as poker-machine luring techniques, ie very well researched. It's easy enough to fake entries - it seems no-one replies to messages anyway, so how could you tell?
3. Do a search for women, then do the same search for men. About 20 links to women, about 200(!) links to men. Sorry, I thought the media said there were hordes of single women out there. Maybe they are all in the bars & pubs then. A shame I have given up alcohol, and Sydney pubs & bars have the music up so loud they make my ears bleed. I think it is a Legal(tm) requirement to stop people talking/thinking/conspiring against The Economy(tm).
4. Like the article says, include 'likes moonlight walks along the beach' - in Sydney? Right? I keep odd hours sometimes, and I do not see dizzy lovers out on moonlight walks! I mean, sure you can take it as read that I like moonlight walks along the beach - when I am in the Whitsunday Islands, or Thailand!. I thought people might be interested in more useful descriptions, such as "I like dolphins, Lego and chocolate, but not all at once." I suppose I should just join with the masses and say that I like "moonlight walks along the beach, sleeping in and a bit of a boogie on the dance floor". Truth in advertising - there is none.
Since I went to a bit of effort this time to even make sure my profiles were proof-read, this all adds up to being very depressing. I was pretty much truthful in my profiles, and now I feel I have revealed way too much - and that what I have revealed must be a huge turn-off. And I'm too short.
Self esteem? Yeah, I had some a while back...
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