Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Headclean - OR - The Wonders of Sleep Deprivation

Try this:

Deprive yourself of deep sleep. Repeat for nearly 3 years.

Be amazed at the total collapse of your well-being and mental health.

Having just found an interesting way of getting some sleep (moving to a quieter suburb, to a flat that actually gets natural light) I am rather shocked to find that my rather poor mental state of the past few years was certainly not helped by moving to a dark and noisy flat. Sure I was stressed a bit before I moved there, but not long after moving I suffered a fairly nasty nervous breakdown (it sounds better than 'psychotic break' but not by much). At the time I remember telling people that the new flat was a bit noisy and dark, and that worried me a bit...

Having moved somewhere quiter, lighter and all to myself, I am feeling much, much better. I have also started to discover there are friends I haven't spoken to for nearly 3 years now, which is Not Good. All that will be rectified, much fun will be had by all.

And this thingy is likely to get wierder as a result. You have been warned.


Blogger Corinoco said...

Yep, that's one of my favourite books. I quite identify with badger - when I grow up I want to be like him. :-)

10:45 pm  
Blogger Corinoco said...

I have sort of been having a 'humph.. company!' month, apart from Bear, Syn and The Ratties.

I am not so good with the stoats and weasels, they mostly scare me! Occasionally I get really riled and scare the crap out of them; not often though.

'Wind in the willows' certainly has aspects that are interesting though.

Other faves in a similar genre are Arthur Ransome books (not so much 'Swallows & Amazons' but the more philosophical 'We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea') and Antoinne St.Exupery. The other really good stuff is Eric Thompsons's scripts for 'The Magic Roundabout'. I admit to totally identifying with Dougal. And I always admired Gus The Snail. And my favourite A.A.Milne character is, of course, the perennially disliked Eeyore. Those bloody books on Eastern philosophy and Winnie-the-Pooh that seem rather popular really come down *really* hard on Eeyore. He is the only character that gets a completely negative portrayal. No redeeming features whatsoever. I bet he's a Taurus, too.

9:32 pm  

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