Tuesday, July 12, 2005

MX Missive

Would you trust a newspaper with a website that looks like it came from Page 7 of "Frontpage for Dummies & Media Magnates"?

Last week I noticed that everyone on the train going home was reading what I took to be a new 'culture' & 'arts' (gossip & cross-promotion) section for the Financial Review.

It turns out this is in fact a new newspaper, owned by His Supreme Highness Rupert Murdoch. Aparently they rather neatly get around the whole issue of media ownership laws in Australia by giving it away free. We'll see how long that lasts; it is the same economic model used to bootstrap the very economically sustainable industries of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc.

Anyway, I thought it was funny they called it MX - what does that mean? MiX without the i so they don't get sued by MixFM? Then I realised they *must* have named it after Ronald Reagan's highly sucessful MX missile program! Clearly, because of the similarities between ICBMs and newspapers.

Speaking of which...

This *incredibly scary* image is the first page of the now legendary 'National Missile Defense Coloring[sic] Book' which can be seen in here. This picture is just so EVIL. Syn might think HappyTreeFriends is evil, but a line-drawn Ronald Reagan scares the willies out of me! What the hell is he going to do with those TEETH? The site is well worth a visit - mostly because of the date on the colouring book: 1950? nope, Ronnie was playing with chimps then. 1970? Nope. 1980? Nope(!) 1990? NO! 2003! Yes, the 21st century. A mere two years ago! Why? WHY? Kids, can you say Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle? This is great! They actually call what you and I might rationally call a 'warhead' or even more simply 'bomb', an 'exoatmospheric kill vehicle'. I love Newspeak! All resource units love Newspeak!

I have digressed; the point about MX is that being given away free, I am guessing they are using people to hand it out. Only guessing, because obviously people who use Meadowbank and King's Cross railway stations don't fit into the MX desired demographic. Anyway, I am guess that the hand-out people store these things nearby in stacks, much like the other pieces of bum-wad media such as '9-to-5' and 'Sydney Weekly'. Which brings me to thinking hmmmmm.... nice jamming oppurtunity that. A few insert pages prepared could really freak people out. Stories about iPod-induced 'brown note' incidents. Reviews of anti-pedestrian bull-bars for BWM and Mercedes 4WDs. Articles about banning bicycles due to 'insurance liability concerns'. Or if the have pages for 'vox-pop' journalism, maybe some bogus stories might fit in nicely.

Then again why bother? Jamming is nearly as bad is the media it seeks to jam - you can tell I have been re-reading 'Always Coming Home' by Ursula LeGuin, can't you?

So why not colour-in instead. Ah, Photoshop...

I call it "ZombieSith Emperor Ronald McRaygun".

Procrastination over.

Not quite:

For those disbeleivers, here is the Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle; just so you know what one looks like.


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