Friday, July 01, 2005

BBC now arm of the New Right-Wing Fascist Scum

Let's get one thing clear: Western civilisation is dying.

Choking on it's own shit might be a better description. Shit floats, and it is heads full of shit that sit on the shoulders of the leaders of the United States of Fucking Retards America, the United Kingdom of US-Lap-Dog, and the wonderful Commonwealth of Australian Yes-Men With Their Heads So Far Up Bush's Ass They Brush His Teeth.

I am ANGRY, in case you haven't noticed.


Well, the BBC is closing down their 'Cult' website. For financial reasons. More likely for 'hey, here's another way for all us Boomers to crap all over our ill-begotten hell-spawn-children-who-we-only-gave-birth-to-because-we-were-stoned-and-forgot to-take-the-pill-that-week-and-they-cost-as-much-as-a-Range-Rover-to-put-through-school 70's kids' reasons.

* pause to take breath *

Here is what I wrote to the BBC:


Well, what I really wrote would be here if I hadn't cut-and-pasted something else. Shit. I hate that.

The point was that for quite a lot of us, the Cult TV from the 70's and early 80's actually has quite a bit of cultural meaning, mainly because it's what our Boomer parents used instead of babysitters or social activity. Admittedly because during the dawn of the grand New Economy SEIG HEIL SEIG HEIL SEIG HEIL HEIL HOWARD HEIL HOWARD sorry, got carried away there, they had to work their asses off to scratch a living, rather than actually spend time with their kids.

Note to the chef (me) - left-over veggie omlette should NOT be made with blue cheese, and should NOT be eaten in conjunction with gin-and-tonics.

I think I will go shoot things now.


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